SBG iPMS user manual


Graphics Yet graphics, in the form of charts and other illustrative formats, is a powerful tool that we have used to present trends and other concepts in a way that numbers alone can't convey.
Security Business depends on its softwares for its very existence. If data is lost or tampered with you stand to lose time, money, business secrets and, if the damage is severe enough, the company.
Customization Chances are that no software will exactly match the business's needs. That's why we provide the easy customization of statements, forms, reports, screens, help systems and other program facets.
Controlling and Budget Management With our iDEA, management can control and monitor under the categorized budgets.
Automation For a businesses, support for simple transactions and basic management tasks just isn't enough. We have given the full automation of purchase, maintenance, company and departmental budgets, and other complex.
Internet connectivity With the whole world moving to the Internet, it's only logical that iDEA software should follow the crowd.
Interoperability The data entered into the iDEA application can be productively used by various business applications in HR, accounts, sales and other key business sectors.
Scalability With hard work, and perhaps some luck, the business will be larger and more prosperous in the years ahead. We assure that software is able to keep pace. We developed the product that accommodates, and easily
Expandability We’ll provide the add-on modules that allow you to slap extra capabilities to your product, or a migration path to a full application environment.
Automatic updates Using out-of-date any software is like eating food that has passed its expiration date - a risky proposition that could result in severe nausea. We provide the software that receives fast, user-transparen
Reporting and analysis Information is power in today's challenging business environment. That's why we have evaluated robust reporting and analysis capabilities.
Timely Information Our iDEA will provide you and other users with timely information. This information helps the management with strategic planning, budgets and other valuable information.