SBG iPMS user manual

PMS MAIN - Planned Maintenance System

Displays the ships data in TREEVIEW structure with specification of each Equipment, Spares, Planned Jobs, Work done History, Work Procedure and Requisition along with the status

By default display with DEPARTMENT is selected to generate the treeview structure of Ship's Equipments

There is option to generate the tree view structure with below multiple choice



SearchEnter the word for phrase to search the equipment in the tree view RefreshReload the tree view structure NewTo add new equipment ExitRedirect to main menu


Treeview On click of each equipment will shows the list of sub equipment as a child under the selected node as well as the list of sub equipments on right side list view ListviewOn clicking on the Equipment Name in list view shows Equipment specification and related information tab wise as below


EquipmentShows the Equipment specification SparesShows the list of spare part of selected equipment Planned JobsShows the list of planned jobs of selected Equipment HistoryShows the list of reported planned jobs history Work ProcedureShows the Work Procedure of each planned job RequisitionShows the list of requisition created for selected equipment